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Writing Prompts for September

NaNoWriMo isn’t far away so this month, I thought we’d polish some writing skills ready for this year’s event.

Five writing elements…some might be your weakness or even or strengths. Ready to give them a try? Have fun and happy writing.

This first exercise focuses on dialogue. Create a scene using this couple and write their dialogue.
This one will sharpen your descriptive skills. Describe what you see and make it as real as you can for the reader. Hint, use all five senses.
Point of View is next. Write one scene from the character on the right’s POV and then the same scene but switching to the character on the left’s POV.
Plot- Plot a story using this scene as the opening.
Inner Thought-Some people struggle with internal dialogue…what is this woman thinking as she strolls along in this park?

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