It’s September 30th when I’m writing this. I almost forgot that I needed to write a post for the Thursday slot here are TWL. After some brainstorming about the topic, I decided to tackle a question that many people have asked about. It’s not a writing one, not a Hi Susan one, but about the image I use for my coaching e-mails and workbooks.
If you’re not familiar with it, here it is-

Here’s the story about why I chose it or maybe it chose me.
There’s a typewriter and a woman with a dreamy look on her face. While she’s thinking about the book she’s writing, for me, it has a lot more significance.
Let’s go back to when I was at school. I won’t tell you how many years ago that was but let’s just say I grew up in England at a time when girls were forced to take typing classes in order to get the office job they were destined to work at.
I hated typing and hated the fact that I had no say in the matter. The room was huge and noisy…ask anyone who’s old enough to remember how loud typewriters could be and multiply that by 35. I sat by a window and outside was a hill that lead down to the front gate of the school. I never daydreamed in any other class but I often found myself looking out of the window daydreaming about what I’d like to do besides work in an office.
I came up with the idea that I’d love to travel and see the rest of the world. I’d be an airline stewardess and get paid to do it. I realized that didn’t require me to know how to type so the dreamer inside me, got up, walked to the teacher and announced I wasn’t going to do this any more. Horror and shock washed over his face and he told me to return to my seat and get back to learning how to type. I can’t remember how it all happened but my dad intervened and I was able to transfer to another subject.
The following year a career counselor visited the school. We were given appointments where each student visited with them and the school’s career teacher. I remember opening the door and the career teacher immediately saying, don’t bother with this one, she’s a dreamer.
While I didn’t become an airline stewardess, I’ve never stopped dreaming and that’s why this image struck a chord with me. She reminds me of myself in that class and how I used to daydream.
I don’t think I’d be a published author without that dreamer residing in me. And yes, it is sort of ironic that I had to learn how to type in order to write a book! Lucky for me computers had replaced typewriters by then.
Typing still isn’t my favorite thing but dreaming is.
Writing is part talent, part motivation, part staying the course, but most of all it’s never given up on a dream.
Be a dreamer!
Such an important thing to remember. I never ever thought I’d be writing for a living, but I used to dream about it. It took me a decade before I’d finally land on this path, but I believe that dreaming about it led me here! All the best with your journey!