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Friday Ramblings From An Author-A Short One

It’s a lovely day and my first opportunity to work outside. The weatherman says it’s turning colder and windy tomorrow so we authors have to take advantage of nice writing conditions when we can. And for that reason this week’s rambling will be short.

The POV workshop kicked off this week. Next week I have another story, The Vampire’s Seduction being released. I got a copy of Death Likes Me and it looks great. Now I’m just waiting for it to be distributed to all the sites. Fingers crossed that people still like print copies!

I finished the first draft of the next Perfect Pairing story and now working my way through the second one. A load more stories ideas popped into my head this week so who knows by this time next Friday I could be telling you that I’ve started work on a few more books.

Have a good weekend, happy writing and a Happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies.

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