Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-An Amazon First for Me!

February started with cold and snow, and as I write this last Ramblings of the month, looks like it’s going to end that way too.  I’m seriously thinking about holding writing retreats someplace warm next winter!

Another month almost done and my February To Do folder is almost empty. Second month in a row. Putting everything in one place seems to be the key to getting more done.  I’m all set to re-release a back titled book on Tuesday. The plotting your novel workbook is almost done, and yesterday I published another book in my 30 Day Makeover series. This one’s all about organizing. And I’m excited to tell you that it got a Number One Release tag in its category over at Amazon…that’s a first for me.

Hope you’ll check it out and here’s the cover…yes, another one I made myself-

Fab Organized


The synopsis writing class came to an end on Monday and it’s time to focus on March classes. I’m teaching two more next month, Plotting Your Novel Boot Camp and How to Write a Romance Novel. Here’s the link if you or anyone you know is interested-


Depending on time and my schedule, I might post a Saturday Seminar next month so stay tuned for that.

Before I forget, thank you to Victoria for guest blogging yesterday.

That’s about it for the week…going to try and catch up with some of my art and jewelry making over the weekend. I’m making upcycled rings I hope to sell on Etsy. I’ll share some photos with you soon.

Have a great week and happy writing to all.


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