Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Audio Books

Half way through September already. Leaves are turning and falling which makes me think about my goals for next year. What do you want to achieve in 2017?

One thing that’s been on my to do list is to turn my books into audio format and I actually got started on that this week. I’ve decided to make How to Write a Romance Novel into an audio book. I’ll be telling you more about that as the project progresses and share with you any tips I learn along the way.

I’ll be teaching the two final workshops of the year next month and I promised both chapters I’d give them some promotion here. First one is Writing For NaNoWriMo and that’s offered through the Yosemite Romance Writers. Second one is writing the erotic romance and erotica which is offered through the San Diego Romance Writers. (It’s my first time teaching for them). So if you or anyone you know has an interest in either topic, the details on my the teaching schedule page.


And speaking of which, next week I’ll be adding next year’s schedule…a few new topics for next year which is always exciting.


Yesterday I released the second of my September books and here’s the cover. (And a big thank you to Jamie who designs all these wonderful book covers for me).


I’m still working on my new cowboy story and next week I’ll begin revamping some more older titles too.

Have a good week and happy writing to all.

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