First news of the week, I got my book cover for Wednesday’s release, Shane
It’s been a busy week, workshop, edits, new students, books to review, working on a new story. Sometimes I wonder how many words I read and write in a single week.
And speaking of new stories. I was working on the new shifter story and then remembered a story I’d started a few years back. (You wouldn’t believe how many are started and not finished because my mind conjures up a new story). Any way, I thought maybe the old story would work for this new idea and merge the two together. So far so good.
While writing is a creative outlet, sometimes when you’re doing it all day, it becomes more work than play, so I’ve found myself in need of something besides writing to satisfy that need. I’ve been knitting, felting soap, and my next project is jewelry.
Anyone else have some creative outlet besides writing? And if so, do you think it helps your writing in any way?
The synopsis workshop finishes next Friday, and it’s been a fun one…I hope the participants share my view! In March I’m teaching two at the same time, Point of View and The Seven Deadly Sins of Fiction. As always if you know someone who’s interested in those topics, share the information with them because the more the merrier.
Happy writing and have a good weekend.