Not long now until NaNoWriMo kicks off and I found two resources I hope will be of some help to you if you’re taking part. Both of them come via BookBaby-
If you follow the first link you can click on a download for a free calendar that will keep track of your daily word count-
Second one is a post about character motivation. Lots of writers get lost half way through their novel because they don’t know what their character wants which often leads to no conflict in the story so definitely give this a read-
During November I’ll try and post a daily writing tip. If anyone wants to contribute just drop me an e-mail or leave a comment and I’ve love to have you contribute too.
I’ve had another busy week and managed to get three of my previously published titles revamped, formatting, and now I’m slowly loading them onto book sites. I have to say self-publishing is a lot of work but it’s fun to see something that you have complete creative control over up on a book site.
I don’t know what it is about fall but I’m more inclined to get organized at this time of the year than at New Year. This week I started clearing out old files on my computer and realized I probably have enough material for lots of books I can self-publish next year. My motto is never let anything go to waste.
I took a couple of days off from my WIP so I could work on formatting and converting files for the three books and have to say I missed not having my fiction writing fix. I also found what I hope to be a great online venue where I can offer writing classes and coaching…stay tuned.
Halloween’s also just around the corner. The clocks go back this weekend for those of you in the UK, and next weekend for those in the US. So what do you plan to do with the extra hour?
Tomorrow is rake the leaves day for me. I love to see all the beautiful colors on the trees but not when I have to clear their leaves.
Have a fun week and happy writing to all.