Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Dreaming of Hawaii and New Zealand



It’s felt  like summer (high heat and humidity) this last week or so and I can’t believe we’re at the half way point. And no, I still haven’t gotten around to my summer reading list yet. I have been reading but not books from my list. For some reason…maybe I’m itching to do some traveling, but I’ve been choosing travel books about certain places I’d love to visit one day. Two on my list are Hawaii and New Zealand. I have a relative in New Zealand who I’ve never met so maybe one of these days we’ll connect.

The last of my July workshops finished today and now two new ones begin on Tuesday. Self Publishing taught through San Diego Romance Writers and Plotting Your Novel offered through Outreach International.

Most of this week’s been devoted to working on some WIPS and getting books that are no longer in the KDP Select program loaded onto other sites. I do love self publishing but sometimes it takes me away from writing which is a downside.

I also purchased an online business that’s part store and part site to raise awareness of an issue that’s always been close to my heart. I’ll tell you more about it sometime soon.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.

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