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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Friday Is a Busy Day


cropped-cup-1031774_640.jpg  It’s Friday and it’s now become the busiest day of the week for me. I told you I re-launched my Budget Smart Girl site. I write a Ramblings for that too, plus on Fridays, I now get (or at least try to) one step ahead on the following week. I pre-load most of the content for that site and this one, on Fridays. Last week was a breeze but today, I think technology and the Internet decided to give me a test. Some weeks are easy while others hard and that’s just the way it goes.

How did you like the video short story prompt? If you enjoy them then maybe I’ll throw in a couple of these each month. This week, I did a practice run of adding music to images. Editing visual things isn’t my thing but I have to say finding the right music and adding it to the photos was a lot of fun. I’m hoping to use these new skills to put together the classes that will be uploaded to this site and my own site. I even thought about embedding video lessons in workbooks too. What do you think?

I’m almost done with the lessons for the first session of the summer retreat. I hope to get them done by the end of the day and then tackle the workbook.  I’m thinking ahead to when I’ll be outside interacting with students and the sun will be shining….. At least we’re already over half way through winter.

As I want to get the rest of the lessons completed before I call it a wrap on the week (and to make up for the time I spent watching coyotes and squirrels), I’ll make this a short Ramblings.

Until Monday, have a fun weekend and happy writing to all. Also, remember to live your dream.

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