Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Friday the 13th



I hadn’t realized today was Friday the 13th until I turned on my laptop this morning. I come from a family with tales of just about every supersition that’s out there. Still to this day, I still won’t put a hat on the bed or new shoes on the kitchen table, I could go on for quite awhile. I guess what your grandmother tells you when you’re growing up, sticks with you.

Summer feels like its already left. It’s been raining, overcast, and some days, just downright chilly. Good stay inside and read weather but leaf raking season is already here.

Speaking of books, I’ve picked the ten for my Fall Reading List and I’ll share them with you next week. Let’s just say mysteries and suspense dominate.

I made two covers for upcoming books I get rights back to and also started formatting the next back title which will be book two in my Big Sky County series. I’ve also been outlining a new Perfect Pairings book but not sure if I’ll tackle NaNoWriMo this year and try and write at least most of it during that time.

The two classes kicked off on Monday and students were still signing up this week. There’s something about September that makes you want to learn something new.

Anything you’ve been wanting to learn this year? And how about your own reading list? Want to recommend a book?

And finally, thank you to Mike Lord for this week’s guest post.


Have a good week and happy writing to all.


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