Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Hello Spring



Spring is here and I can’t wait to do some outside writing.

This week I added a new class to Skillshare and hope to add some more next month. I’m also working on lessons for the two new workshops I’ll be teaching in May. One’s on the topic of self publishing…I’ll be telling you more about that in the upcoming weeks.

I might just finish one of my WIPS over the weekend. It’s the first story in a new series and I’ve pushed myself to get to this point. When you’re writing all day sometimes the last thing you want to see are more words in the evening. It’s at that point you need to remind yourself you’re a writer and that’s what you do.

I’ll be giving this site (and my other sites) a slight revamp and yes, I’m going to keep to my word of posting more stuff on here too.

Anything you’d like to see? Markets looking for writers maybe? Weekly motivation posts? Interviews for authors?

Leave a comment and let me know.

I’ll keep this Rambling short as I’m determined to get that first draft completed in the next 48 hours.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.

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