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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Holiday Edition

Just four more days until Christmas and I’m looking forward to a few days off. It’s been a busy year for me, but in a way I hope that 2013 is just the same. I always say even if I won the lottery I’d still keep writing which I think is proof that you truly love what you do.

Any writing releated gifts on your list this year? One of mine used to be subscriptions to various writing magazines.  Some I’d buy myself but then quit when the prices jumped. However, I did see that some of them, like Writer’s Digest, are now offering digital only for a lot less. I think theirs is $9.98 per year.

My next release is January 17th, another Romance On The Go from Evernight. This one is about a cowboy. And I’m currently working on my fourth story in the Perfect Pairing series. Sometimes they don’t seem like work because Sadie Sutton is a fun character for me.

Next week I’ll be taking the week off from posting but will be back in the New Year with lots of good stuff. Thank you for following these posts and for reading them. I appreciate it. Here’s wishing you Happy Holidays and a productive New Year.

Take care and happy writing.

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