Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Keep On Publishing

It’s snowing and it’s cold, cold, cold. Even the deer that roam around the area have cozy- downed in the piles of leaves back the woods…that’s when you know it’s bone chilling cold.

A big thank you to guest blogger, Beth for those two great posts. I hope it’s helped you with creating your characters.

I’m happy to say I got more work done this week. I finally arrowed down a topic for my next Skillshare class. I also helped a student who I’ve been coaching and mentoring get her book self published. She was reluctant at first but then decided to go with non-fiction for her first try. I’ll tell you more about her book next week.

I also got another book finished and on sell. Yes, finally the freelance writing one is done. Here’s a peek at the cover.

freelance writing 3

I’m now working on the workbook for next month’s Synopsis Writing Boot Camp…a little shameless promotion sneaked in there.

I also guest blogged yesterday at…a short interview and then my post about writing and regrets. Here’s the link if you want to read it-

Susan Palmquist aka Venessa Devereaux Says “Don’t have Writer’s Regret”

I’m still thinking about Saturday seminars here on the site so stay tuned.

Have a good week and happy writing to all.


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