I was going to say it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…well at least it does when I look out of my window but alas it’s only the beginning of November. I have a feeling this winter’s going to be a nasty one. It’s that’s true, probably sometime in January you’ll hear me ranting and raving and longing for a warmer climate.
NaNoWriMo is in full swing. Are you taking part and if so, how are things going so far?
If there’s anything I can help you with, tips to keep you motivated etc. Just leave a comment or drop me an e-mail …always happy to help. And I do have a class over on Skillshare on the topic if you need some easy to use tips.
I had every good intention of posting a couple of articles here this week, but three workshops kicked off on Wednesday and I got started on two writing projects and now it’s already Friday. Can I hear some people cheering about that!
I’m planning out new classes to teach and some fun ideas for my writing/coaching business…I’ll share more about all this with you very soon.
I’ll keep this Ramblings brief because I need to get a student’s critique back to her.
Wishing you happy writing and a successful weekend of NaNoWriMo. Remember to have a fun week too.