Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Productive Week

Happy Friday. It’s looking a lot like fall outside.  One of my favorite times of the year…well if you don’t mind having to rake those pretty leaves.

I’ve had a busy but productive week. I got rights back to lots of stories and I’m slowly playing catch up trying to revamp them and get them re-released. So far I have two done and here are the covers…yes, made those myself too.

confession of love


art innature


My other news and drum roll please…I finished the first draft of my TV pilot.  It was a struggle because it was all new to me but I sat in the armchair in my office, watched episodes of Lost on Netflix and wrote and wrote until it was done.

I say done because it’s far from finished. Let’s just say it’s in its very raw stage right now but as I always say to my students, don’t worry about the first draft because the main thing is to get the story written. I’m now letting it ‘sit’ for a few days and before taking another look at it.

In other creative news, I signed up for a year long art class which I’m really looking forward to and hoping my theory about doing other creative things besides writing will make me a better author. What are some of your other creative pursuits?

Have a good week and happy writing to all.


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