Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Release Date Set

I got my edits done on my WIP…well, I guess it’s no longer a WIP. Now I have to format it. My idea was to release it on Black Friday, but I’m launching three new products over on my Budget Smart Girl site, so now my plan is to release…drum roll please, Bewitching the Bear on Cyber Monday. The last few scenes of the book take place just before Christmas so perfect timing.

And speaking of those three products, one is a self publishing package that will sort of launch my new site for self publishers. I’ll tell you more about all this next week. In fact, the other two products might interest you too. One is a motivational tool kit and the other, a stress and relaxation tool kit. All are digital products because I think that’s the way to go these days.

Next week, we’ll skip the Thursday post because of Thanksgiving…is the year flying by now or what?

This weekend, more fall cleaning and hopefully not getting sidetracked by movies.

Have a fun weekend and happy writing to all. And wishing everyone in the US, a very happy Thanksgiving.

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