I’ve been saying that the whole year’s flown by but for some reason December’s gone by without me even noticing. At this time of year, and with nothing I can do outside, I spend time going through my old files and piles of notebooks.
I’ve always kept a file of old clippings from newspapers and magazines. Things that I feel will make a good story. Today I found two so old the paper was brown. One was from the early 90s. No, I haven’t used it for a story yet but I know one day that I will.
Currently I’m working on the second draft of my Kalispell Shifter story and hope to have it finished and to my publisher by the end of the year…sounds really strange to be saying that!
Next up will be another story in the Big Sky County series and I’m still determined to write a few mysteries next year.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and happy writing.