Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Time Isn’t Refundable



It’s almost summer (officially),  the year is almost half way done so it’s time to look at the goals I’ve set for the year.

One thing I struggle with is getting back to the mysteries I started and never finished. I get busy with other writing, teaching, tutoring…okay, it’s no excuse. This week something did actually prompt me to get back to working on them. I found a site that for a fee lets you upload books and scripts where film companies check them out to see if the story is something they might be interested in pursuing.

I’ve achieved just about everything I set out to do writing wise but one thing that’s still on my writing bucket list is to write something that will be made into a movie or TV show.

After visiting the site, I realized, I’m now in the third act of my writing career and if I’m going to get the final thing crossed off that bucket list, I’d better do it now. So, I’m writing this Ramblings earlier than usual because I’m taking my laptop outside and I’m going to work on one of those mysteries with the goal of submitting it to the site.

I’ll let you know how it’s going in a few weeks time and if I’ve stuck to my goal.

How about you, what sort of things or events do you need for that swift kick up the butt to set things in motion? Things that have been dormant, forgotten dreams and ambitions.

Time is precious and non-refundable so use it to live your dream!

Have a good week and happy writing to all.

(Thank you Terry for being this week’s guest blogger)

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