Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Upcoming Mini-Break



Last Ramblings of August and the online writing retreat ends on Monday. Seems like only yesterday I was planning the whole event.

This week was mostly devoted to writing the new book in my Kalispell Shifters series. I love it on the days when you don’t want to stop writing and  your fingers feel like they can’t keep up with your train of thoughts. I wish every writing day was like that, but alas we have to take the rough with the smooth.

I think I’ll be on track for a late November or early December release for it. The story will conclude during Christmas and I’ve always made it a tradition to release one holiday themed story each year. Missed last year but I’m determined to get back on track in 2020.

I also worked on getting the new self publishing site set up. I hope to launch it after the holiday weekend or thereabouts.

Yes, time for some shameless self promoting… this time it’s for my next two classes. Writing the Short Story and Promoting Your Book Boot camp, both of which begin on Tuesday September 8th and will be the last time I’m offering them before I revamp them and they switch to a self paced/on demand format.

Here’s the link if you or anyone you know is interested in either or both topics.

I thought I’d take a mini-break once the retreat is done and use it as a  way for me to squeeze in some reading and more work on my book before the fall schedule begins. So next week there will be a Monday Motivation and Tuesday Guest Blogger and possibly a Ramblings but no Wednesday or Thursday posts and no Monday Motivation on Labor Day.

So, if I don’t write a Ramblings next week, I’ll wish you all a fun holiday weekend.

Thank you to Dee for being this week’s guest blogger and to everyone who followed TWL.

Until next time, have a fun weekend and happy writing to all.

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