August certainly arrived with some heat. Where I live it’s been hot and humid even at 6 a.m. I think I’ve been in saunas that are a lot cooler. At least today is less muggy and it’s been wonderful to turn off the air conditioning and open all the windows.
As I didn’t want to venture outside much this week I decided to do some painting. No nothing of the creative sort although I do plan to start doing some watercolor painting soon. No, this was the generic paint the bathroom ceiling and walls sort of stuff. One more thing off my to do list.
Speaking of lists, suddenly I’ve found myself not following the summer reading list I made. The other day while I was looking at the new releases, I saw an autobiography by Linda Gray…yes, the actress from Dallas. My mother and I watched Dallas religiously every Friday night and while I don’t usually read autobiographies or biographies, this one caught my eye. The Road to Happiness is Always Under Construction is the title and as it was on sale so I thought I’d buy it. I’m really enjoying it because it’s part memoir, part self help and so refreshing from the usual celebrity kiss and tell books, so well done Ms. Gray.
I finally got my next book in my Forbidden Shifters series finished and it’s now with an editor. Next up is revamping three older stories that I hope release in next month along with the shifter book. After that I think it’s time for another cowboy story.
Have a good week and happy writing to all.