In recent Ramblings, I’ve mentioned lots of projects I’m working on and I can finally share a couple of them with you.
The first one is another web site that I’d planned to use as a sister site to this one and have it focus on my self-publishing journey. I’m ashamed to say that I bought the domain name almost three years ago and the project never moved forward until a couple of weeks ago. Well, actually it went in another direction as it’s now a store that focuses on all things self publishing but as time permits I will be adding tips and posts.
That leads me to project number two, Nailed It! Writing a Novel in 30 Days Journal and Planner. I created it for NaNoWriMo or for anyone who wants to write a novel in a month…seems to be lots of people who do.
I uploaded the digital version to the store so here’s a link
Today, I uploaded a print version to Amazon but it’s still in approval stage there but hopefully I’ll have that link by tomorrow’s Ramblings if anyone wants a physical copy.
So what have I included in the planner-
Writing tips, my favorite NaNoWriMo tips, writing how tos, how to get and stay motivated, how to keep your goals, there’s a calendar where you can write you daily writing gains and loses and keep track of your progress. I’ve even included writing prompts and mandalas for times when you want to take a break from writing but need something creative to keep the muse fired up.
I plan on creating more journals on various writing topics so please spread the word about both the new site and journal to anyone who you feel might be interested.