Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

My Writing and Teaching Plans for 2020


I thought I’d share with you my writing and teaching plans for the new year…

I’ve decided that 2020 will be the last year I offer my coaching and mentoring service. Not that I don’t love helping aspiring authors with their writing, but combine that with teaching, and I’m word fatigued at the end of the day. As a result of that, my own writing’s suffered.

This year, for the first time in what seems like forever, I didn’t write a book or novella a month.  I have so many stories swimming around in my head that I know I have to make a choice between coaching or getting more books written. My writing won the day.

I’ll be teaching exclusively for OIRWA again. I have a new promotion boot camp and also the summer retreat…really looking forward to that.

I have lots of ideas for classes planned and my initial idea was to put them on Skillshare but some of you may have already seen that my classes there have slowly been disappearing. That’s not my own doing but every so often they do another sweep of classes they say don’t fit their requirement and more of mine are closed. Some of them have been really popular with students and been on the platform for close to two years. I’ve had other companies approach me about putting my classes on their platforms so I won’t be using Skillshare again. I’ll keep you updated on new classes and where you can find them.

As for writing, I want to work on another Perfect Pairing story. In fact, more stories in all my new series I started. I also want to…yes, I know I keep saying it, finish that mystery!

I also be re-publishing all the back titles I get rights back to.

I’m enjoying the shorter non-fiction books I’ve worked on and the planners and journals. I’ve decided to produce more of those in the new year too.

And of course, there’s this site. Look for lots more content coming up in 2020.

That’s about it. Hopefully, I’ll have time to get everything on the do list done.

How about you? What are your writing plans for 2020?

2 thoughts on “My Writing and Teaching Plans for 2020

  1. I truly enjoy seeing the ambition other writers have for all the projects and plans that they have going on in the near future and beyond. It’s very inspiring. I’m also a fellow goal-setter and have some major goals I’m looking forward to pursuing as well. So, I pray that you get everything accomplished that you’ve set your heart to do. Happy goal-setting and achieving.

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