Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Picking the Right Title

I’m taking this great class on self-publishing and today the focus was picking the right title for your book. If you think a cover can turn a mediocre book into a bestseller, according to the instructor, so can the title.

He shared with us this resource that I thought I’d pass onto you. Even if you’re not self-publishing I think it would be worth some time using it to come up with title you’re submitting to a regular publishing house too.

watch out because it gets a little addictive plugging in titles to see what percentage each one gets. The higher the percentage the greater the chance the book will be a bestseller-

Have fun-

1 thought on “Picking the Right Title

  1. Thanks for this link. My current title for my WIP rated better than I thought, though worse than I hoped. That’s a handle tool.

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