No Tuesday guest blogger this week so I thought I’d fill this spot to shamelessly self promote session two of the online writing retreat I’m offering through OIRWA.
You don’t have to be a member of OIRWA to take part and you don’t have to be working on a romance novel. All the lessons are applicable to all genres. You don’t have to be at your computer at any given day or time because the lessons are sent directly to your e-mail. There are eight lessons in all and you get a workbook containing more information on each topic we cover and lots of assignments to help you with your writing skills.
While the first session covered the basics of setting goals, plot and character, this time around we’re diving in deep into elements that often are the main causes of the dreaded rejection letter. We’ll be talking about dialogue, POV, deep POV , upping the emotional factor, narration and finally, pacing.
Section Two-July (6-31)
Learning how to write realistic and dazzling dialogue.
All about Point of View, what it is, what it isn’t.
Deep POV
How to make your story an emotional read
Narration and Pacing
Oh, and did I mention prize drawings each week!
I hope you’ll join me and the other students who have just completed session one.
Here’s the link and hope to see you in class on Monday.
Scroll down until you reach July.