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The Meaning of Writing

Say hello to today’s guest blogger, Heather Gooden who shares something I think we all discover as writers…

I’m grateful to be here guest blogging today. I was told to write about something writing related, so I decided I wanted to talk about what writing means to me.

I’ve always loved to write, but for many years, it took a backseat to what I think of as ‘my real life’.

 It wasn’t until I was up one night with my fourth child I realized how much I missed being creative. I was one of the people that said ‘some day’ I’d write a book, but that mythical someday never seemed to come. Then I heard about NaNoWriMo and in 2015, I finally sat down to do it.

But something unexpected happened. Instead of writing just a book, I found myself fulfilled. I’d found the missing je ne sais quoi that I’d been looking for which answered a question I hadn’t known I had.

It hasn’t been easy, but I’ve made writing a daily habit. I have a family and an emotionally and intellectually draining job that often requires all my energy, so I had to learn to work around my obligations. For me, that means waking up early to write uninterrupted for an hour, and blogging almost every night before I go to bed to help me process particularly tough days.

 I’ve put writing in a place of importance because I know that it helps me to be a better mother and physician. I’m better able to process the emotions that arise on a daily basis, and make them into something that heals me, and hopefully others as well.

 We all have stories to tell. Some people do it through photography, baking, painting, or other avenues such as music or dance. Words are my medium. I believe that every human has an innate drive to create, to make beautiful things that will hopefully last long after our bodies fail.

 If I can leave you with one simple thought it would be this: what do you want to leave behind when you go? Is there something you’ve been wanting to do that you haven’t gotten around to yet?

 Think about it. You may be surprised by the answer you get if you listen to the voice inside. Then once you have your answer, don’t wait any longer- get out there and make every day one where you live your dream, even if it has to be on the edges of your real life.



About Heather 

I’m a full time worker bee, mother, and writer by the wee hours of the day. I would write all the time if I had my way, but alas, life and family come first!

Somewhere in the last few years I’ve managed to carve out just enough time to write the trilogy that has spawned it all, based on a recurring dream I’ve had since my teens.

I have two blogs- and I write novels under HM Gooden, but my blog/poetry under Mags.


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