The This Writer’s Life community is now 800 followers strong and still counting. Remember my goal is to reach 1,000 by the end of the year. We have three months to go so spread the word because I have lots planned for 2020 and beyond.
I love it when I get ahead with my to do list and this week that happened. I now have all my four remaining back titles (for 2019), re-edited, formatted and covers made.
This frees up some more time to create new classes…I’ve been holding off on those because I wasn’t sure which topics I wanted to cover. After much thought, I think goal setting and motivation are two things lots of us struggle with…not just writers.
Speaking of classes, September ones are drawing to a close and next up are Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo and the self publishing boot camp. Remember, I’ll be retiring the NaNoWriMo one after it ends so if you’re interested in learning how to write a book in 30 days, be sure to sign up-
I’m working on content for the self promoting workbook and also putting together one for people writing a series. I hope to get first drafts completed by the end of October.
And yes, I started on my fall reading list too.
How about you, any projects you’re working on? Reading any good books?
Thank you to Madeline for her post and another one of her great sketches.
That’s about it for this workweek.
Have a fun week ahead and happy writing to all.