How did you first week of 2021 turn out?
I hope you got lots of writing done…even got an acceptance letter or call about a story.
This week seemed strange because for the first time in 12 years, I’m not teaching a class.
I did however, begin work on the first class I’ll be uploading to this site. It will be writing a short story. It was always a popular one so I hope the newly revamped version and additions with video, audio and a workbook, will be a hit too. I’ll let you know more about it as it gets closer to release.
And how do you like the new site? I hope you’re still getting notifications when I post something and that the whole TWL community is still here. Looks like all subscribers got shifted over successfully but let me know at if you’re missing the posts and I’ll see what I can do.
There are still things I want to tweak on the site and I’ll be gradually doing that over the coming weeks.
I hope to begin writing a new book next week too. I haven’t decided what it will be. I was leaning toward another Kalispell Shifters story but I’ve not written anything for my Perfect Pairings series in what seems like forever, so I know one is long overdue.
That’s about it for this week. ‘See’ you again on Monday.
Have a fun weekend and happy writing to all.