Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-No Electricity

It’s not until the power goes out that you realize how much the modern writer needs it. Case in point this morning when the electricity went out right before I turned on my laptop. No problem I thought I have enough power stored in the battery. Everything was fine until I decided to check my e-mail. Didn’t think that no electricity equals no Internet access.  Well, at least I got some writing done until the power came back on. Every time that happens it makes me think about what we use to do before computers and the Internet.

This is the last Friday post for July. August means I’m teaching workshops again. Next one is Are We There Yet which runs from August 4-29th. If you know anyone who might be interested check out the Teaching Schedule page on this site.

Speaking of workshops and classes. I’ve been thinking about taking a course in scriptwriting. It’s something that’s always interested me and I’ve been meaning to work on a screenplay for ages but novel writing takes up a big chunk of my time. I think taking a course might be the only way I’ll get motivated to actually do it.

I finally got the fourth Big Sky County story finished and now I’m working on the fourth Kalispell Shifter story. This time two tortured souls will be drawn together.

I have another release this coming Wednesday (July 30th), the third Kalispell book which will lead into the one I’m writing now. Here’s a look at the cover-



Happy writing and have a good week.



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