I used to write my fiction five nights a week but slowly that morphed into seven nights or days a week. The best thing is if you take a break you can make it up some other time. This afternoon I took a break from non-fiction and painted instead. No, not landscapes or anything quite as exciting but a shed that got damaged in the hail storm in August.
I say shed, and I’ve mentioned it here before, but it looks more like a playhouse. It stores the lawnmower and other garden goodies. I call it the Harry Potter house because it’s always reminded me of something from one of the movies.
I’m changing the colors of the paint on the outside and more tempted than ever to make it my second writing place. Not that I can use it during the winter, but when spring rolls around I’m determined to decorate it inside, add a desk and a comfy chair, and create my writer’s nook.
I’m counting down to NaNoWriMo but have yet to decide what book I’m going to write. I thought I had it narrowed down to two, but another idea popped into my head a few days again. This will be my first time taking part. 50,000 words seems like a lot but if you break it down to a daily count 1,600 doesn’t sound so daunting. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself!
Right now I’m working on the second draft of the sixth Perfect Pairing book. This time there’s a sub-plot involving Sadie. I know lots of readers tell me they really like her so I thought I’d give her more page time.
Courted By A Cowboy made it to Amazon’s top 100 bestsellers list in the Western category. I’m getting excited about the release of the next installment in the trilogy (no actual release date yet but it’s next month).
Have a good weekend and happy writing.