The free mini-retreat is in full swing. I can’t believe the first week is already over. I have to say it’s making me look forward to the summer retreat even more. Registration is now open to all three modules just in case you’d like to sign up early or know somebody who does. Each module costs just $55 or $45 if you’re a member of OIRWA. That means you can attend a summer long writing retreat for just $145 or $165.
Here’s the sign up link, along with the sign up for it and my other classes (I think the ones through September are posted there) These classes are taught online and you don’t have to be present the time the lessons are released. Lots of people worry they won’t have time but they’re sort of self-paced so you don’t need to worry. Also, they’re not just for romance writers, my classes are for all genres.
In other news…I’m waiting to get my rights reversal letter back for the last of my 2019 back title releases which is a Christmas story. I’ve always tried to write at least one new Christmas story but did’t get the time this year.
I’ve been busy working on a couple of short books I hope to release by year’s end. Not writing related, well, I guess motivation and goal setting are sort of. Anyway, more about these as I get closer to putting them on sale.
It seems like this week has flown by quicker than ever before and maybe that’s because I’ve been doing things non-stop. I have, however, as I always recommend, stepped away to reward myself. I’ve been watching a Christmas movie each day after I get done with my work. I”m probably going to do that over the weekend and I’m tempted to make cookies…the good for you type! And I have a new Chai tea recipe I’ve been meaning to try too.
How do you unwind? Have a favorite holiday movie?
That’s about it for this first week of December.
Have a fun week ahead and happy writing to all.