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Making Time To Write

Say hello to our guest blogger, Angela Drake who today tackles an important topic for writers and that’s making time to write.


Making time to write has been a problem for writers the world over for years. You would think with technology, other items on our To-Do list would be ticked off faster, freeing up more time to do what we love. Sadly, in this computer age we find ourselves struggling more for ‘free’ time. Between touching base with family and friends on Facebook or watching the crazy cat videos on YouTube, we are just lost. Never fear, I’m here with a map to get you on track, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the black hole of social media.

I’ve been word sprinting with friends on-line for years. Our sprint sessions are longer now but when we first started, they were only fifteen-twenty minutes with ten minute breaks. Through the process I discovered one important thing about myself. I am more focused at night. I could slog along all day in sprints and barely crack one hundred words in any one time frame. But after 4 p.m., the numbers racked up and the later I wrote, the higher my word count would climb before hitting a plateau. Keep in mind, I am not a night owl by any means. My sprint partners will tell you that by 8 p.m. (if I make it that late) I am done for.

The key is finding the time frame that works for you. As you can see, just because you’re a morning person doesn’t mean that is going to be your most productive time no matter how early you get up. Take at least one day over the next week for doing nothing but writing. If you want a sprint partner, message me on twitter and I’ll keep you company. Note when your word count hits a steady tableau. That is your golden hour(s). Stop beating yourself up over the time you don’t get any writing done. Chances are it’s not your time. Instead, focus on your Golden Hours. When you’ve filled your quota for the day, the cat videos will be waiting.


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About Angela

Angela Drake believes in happy endings, the magic of ‘what if’ and second chances. When not living vicariously through her characters, Angela spends her day working social media accounts for musicians and authors. She enjoys time with her granddaughters, gardening, journaling, and a myriad of artistic pursuits. She shares a home in the Ozarks with her husband, three dogs and three cats. She loves networking with readers and writers through her Facebook, twitter and blog.

Angela will be speaking on CHOOSING THE RIGHT SOCIAL MEDIA FOR YOU at the Ozark Creative Writers Conference October 11-13, 2018





 Somewhere Down the Line available on Amazon







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