Almost forgot it was Wednesday and I hadn’t written anything for today’s post. I thought I’d use this opportunity to write another one of my this and that…throwing in anything I feel might be useful to you.
There’s lots going on in the world of publishing, some not so good news for publishers but it’s not all doom and gloom. Here are some things I’ve found this week buried in the stack of e-mails I’ve received.
First one is from Booklife which is Publisher’s Weekly self publishing newsletter.
They’re running a contest that I thought you might be interested in learning about. Here’s the link-
I saw an interesting article on Book Page about what’s hot in fiction right now. Some of them sound interesting, and yes, I’ve already created a series with a witch as a lead character…
And I had the link for this one but seems it’s not working…ever had one of those days? It was about what people are buying during these current uncertain times. Looks like non-fiction books like craft and how to’s which really isn’t surprising are selling well. I always warn against writing to trends, but I see these back to basic skills being in demand again, things like knitting, sewing, even gardening as people tighten their budgets. If you have ideas for anything like this, be it the publishing or self publishing route, I’d seriously thinking about getting to work now. I remember interviewing a publisher during the last recession and she said lots of readers were asking for books about canning because they were watching their pennies so that might be another topic to pursue.
Despite not having the actual links, I hope this still gives you some ideas about what’s trending in the publishing world.