Last year I made a list of books I wanted to read over the summer. I had visions of sitting on the deck, nice cold drink in one hand and a book in the other, but that scenario didn’t happen. This year I’m determined it will so yesterday I took the first step and purchased a book for my summer reading enjoyment.
At school I loved history, especially anything connected with the Tudors. I was browsing on Amazon yesterday thinking I’d find a good mystery or thriller when I came across this non-fiction book by Leanda de Lisle. Over 500 pages packed with all things Tudor. Who could ask for more? So this is book one on my summer reading list.
Anyone else what to share what’s on their list?
I’m surprised you have time to read with all the writing to do! I have a backlog of 8 books at the moment because I am a slow reader (and a TV addict!)