Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

The Revolving Door of Book Marketing with Ann Everett

If you’re constantly wondering the best way to market your book, author Ann Everett has some tips…


The book marketing landscape continues to change so fast what works today will most likely be ineffective within the next six months.

When I first published, book tours were considered a top marketing tool. By the time my second book came out that spot had shifted to Facebook paid promotions. But as those costs increased, especially for authors with only book, the ROI wasn’t worth it.

Even coveted Bookbub ads have lost steam in the past year. Ask any author to compare the number of books downloaded from a BB campaign in 2016, to one in 2017.

And, although email marketing has taken off, because authors all jumped on board and aggressively used it, that effort has resulted in lower open rates and higher unsubscribe numbers.

I’m not saying we should no longer use these tools, just that they probably won’t give the same results as in the past.

What’s the answer? Dang if I know. I’m not sure anyone does. So much that is written about successful book marketing is based on non-fiction books which doesn’t help authors in other genres.

Here are a few basics which haven’t changed (in my humble opinion) and still work:

*Collaborate with other authors and do boxed sets.

*Write a series.

*Always include buy links and samples from your backlist in the back matter of each book.

*Utilize opportunities to guest blog.

*Audiobooks are on the rise, so have your books available in this format. (Amazon is currently working to offer audio memberships much like Kindle Unlimited) so you’ll be paid a royalty for readers listening to your book as well as buying it.

And here’s my number one tip for passive promotion.

Subscribe to HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO is a free site where you answer queries about subjects you may be considered an expert in…or just have an opinion. I have been interviewed by Good Housekeeping, had material requested by a current talk show host, had a quote included in a Mother’s Day Book, and interviewed about long-term marriage by two college professors for a book they plan to publish. The site connects you with radio, tv, and magazine editors, and is a great way to get your name and book/books noticed by others with no monetary investment.




About Ann-

An award-winning and best-selling author, Ann Everett is a regular speaker at WordWyse Workshops and a top reviewer on She lives in Northeast Texas where she writes, bakes, and fights her addiction to Diet Dr. Pepper.

Learn more about Ann @

2 thoughts on “The Revolving Door of Book Marketing with Ann Everett

  1. Thanks for shining a spotlight on the mystery of book marketing. Glad to know there are other addictions than the ubiquitous coffee!

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