Yesterday, I woke up, thinking I’d forgotten to write a Thursday post. Then I relaxed, realizing it was Wednesday. However, I did wonder what I was going to write about this week. I had a few ideas but finally decided to share with you details about things I’m working on and things that are going to be changing.
I’m working on getting all my back titles reformatted and edited so that’s all out of the way. Reading them again has made me want to continue the storylines. As soon as I get rights back to the last one in each series, writing more books is my to do list. (I’m even thinking of a spin off for my Kalispell Shifters series).
This next project is still in the working stage….I’m giving my self publishing site a revamp and new name. It will become the hub of my new venture and will blend writing, self publishing and promotion together…yes, all the things I’ve worked on in the last 20 plus years. I’m excited about it and I’ve decided to make it the last venture of my career.
I’ll still be coaching and mentoring, but in November, I’ll teach my final two boot camps. I will however, have self paced classes on both this site and my own site. Quitting teaching will free up my time for my new venture and allow me to focus on coaching, and my own writing that I’m ashamed to say hasn’t been as active as it once was.
This site will also have some changes in early 2021. One being switching from or to allow me more flexibility and content I can share with you. I’m also considering a subscription based writer’s newsletter with market news, tips and interviews.
We’re edging closer to 1,000 TWL followers. You think we can do it by July 1st? That’s my goal so spread the word.