Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-The Last Day of May

May seems to have flown by and I can’t believe tomorrow is June 1st. Summer’s almost officially here and I’m thinking about books I want to put on my to read list. I’m also looking forward to spending more time outside writing…living in the frozen tundra as I call it has you taking full advantage of nice weather!

The POV workshop ended today and the Seven Deadly Sins of Fiction begins tomorrow. In July I’ll be teaching two workshops and one will be a new one about promotion for authors. Summer classes not usually attract many people, but I’m anticipating the promotion one will attract more because of its subject matter.

A short work week and I’ve done a little of everything. I finished my edits for Getting Lucky which has a July 18th release date. Its focus is a heroine who has escaped an abusive relationship. The hero also has some emotional baggage to deal with so I think they made a great pair to write about.

I finished the fifth book in the Perfect Pairing series and finally came up with a title for it, Seeing Forever.

I got the first chapter of Trouble Likes Me finished. That always feels good to get a new project started. I also began work on another romance story…not quite sure if it’s going to be a shorter one or full length one. I guess I’ll see where the characters take me.

Hope to have some book covers to show you very soon.

Have a good weekend and happy writing.

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