Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-It’s Halloween

November 1st tomorrow which to us writers means one thing, the NaNoWriMo challenge begins. I achieved my goal last year and I’m determined to do it again this year.

One tip I have is if you start to feel yourself falling behind because inspiration is lost, switch to another project. I know some people like to stick with the write a novel in a month tradition but I’d rather go for 50,000 words and have a few things I can work on later. Last year I got the three books in my Big Sky Cowboys trilogy started and it didn’t take me long after the challenge finished to get them reworked and ready to send to my publisher.

Speaking of Big Sky, book three in the Big Sky County series is released on Wednesday, It’s called Alex and here’s a look at the cover-


I also got the release date for the fourth book in my Kalispell Shifter series, Healing The Bear and that’s November 27th-yes, for those of you in the US that’s Thanksgiving day.

This week I finally posted my first Tweet for This Writer’s Life on Twitter. I signed up a long time ago and didn’t get time to follow through but this week I put it on my to do list. I hope to use it to post interesting book and writing related info so if you want to follow along the hashtag is @thiswriterslife.

That’s it for this Ramble.

Happy Halloween and happy writing.

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