Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Where’s October Gone?



I just realized I’m writing the last Ramblings for October. I’m not sure where it went. Anyone else feel that once we reach Halloween, it’s a new year before you know it?

Thank you to Angela, this week’s guest blogger. And thank you to everyone who’s signed up for next month and December. All the spots are now filled but I’ll be posting again mid-December ready for January and February.

The end of the month means that new classes will start on the 1st.  Here they are and links to how to sign up. Remember you don’t need to be a member of the chapters and none of the classes are exclusively for romance writers. If you write any type of fiction, they’re for you.

Common Writing Problems and how to fix them

 Synopsis Writing Bootcamp (two week class)

So, You Want to Self-Publish Your Novel

I’m still planning out projects for next year. It’s going to be another busy one because not only will I be teaching more classes, I get rights back to 12 more books that will need reformatting and publishing, plus I want to get at least 12 new ones written and published.

How about you? Anyone set any writing goals for the new year?

It’s going to be a rainy weekend and hopefully the last one cleaning up the fall leaves and putting patio tables and chairs away ready for winter. I almost hate saying that because I’m an outdoors sort of person, but the prospect of being inside by the fire reading a good book doesn’t make it seem so bad.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.




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